Probably Nothing
11 min readJan 1, 2022

A Token About Probably Nothing

Thesis by fungibles

I’m tired of projects with the same repetitive roadmaps.

All of them with promises of Coin Gecko, influencers, & NFT marketplaces…all within Q1.

Then a similar set of unlofty goals for another round of bullshit in Q2 and Q3 with nothing of substance being promised until Q4

But what happens when a market moves so quickly that the initial vision has to change three times in Q1 to just stay relevant?

There is nothing wrong with having a roadmap and delivering on some basic goals; at some point you have to.

But these are just table-stakes.

It’s the repetitiveness of mediocrity that I can’t stand.

This space moves at such lightning speed, even if you have a vision for the future you may end up in a completely different place in a very short period of time.

In web2 you could set a vision for your goals, and then create the strategies and tactics to achieve them.

Long periods of time would go by before you had to change up your strategy if something was not working

A year as a tech start up in web2, was like 30 years in a steel mill factory in terms of innovation.

As an entrepreneur who has built many tech companies in web2, I am constantly blown away by the speed at which web3 moves.

When everything is one giant experiment, it’s hard to have a vision you can execute towards.

I have invested in a number of web3 companies, and have worked with many entrepreneurs. What I’ve noticed is this: when your time output is directly tied to a financial gain, people are easily distracted. There are pros & cons to this of course.

Also in a world of decentralization, it’s very easy to fall into the “ somebody else will do it” mode.

So instead of trying to fit a web2 square peg approach into this fast moving web3 round hole, why not go with the flow?

Why not be really good at managing the systems in which people need to operate in, while at the same time incentivizing people for their contributions without having to worry about the overhead of a full time staff?

When you have a group of talented people working on a cause, even part time, you just need to organize them in the right way and you can get as much, if not more out of them, than any full-time team.

My favorite television sitcom of all time is Seinfeld.

It started as a show about nothing, but became a show about everything.

It pointed out the absurdities of human nature, the insecurities that we have, and the friends that we make along the way.

It taught us to laugh at ourselves, and not take life too seriously.

Sometimes the more you try and push for something to become, the harder that something doesn’t become.

As an entrepreneur I’ve always wanted to have everything figured out ahead of time.

But it’s almost impossible to do that in a space like web3 that can produce a new technology that changes the game overnight

Like Seinfeld, when you have a show about nothing, you can make it up as you go along.

But what made Seinfeld work was the cast and the writers.

They were brilliant.

You still need incredibly bright people all working towards a cause even if it is about nothing.

I’ve had to get really good at building technology companies that were agile. One of the core values is working on something at the last responsible moment.

I’ve always taken the Steve Jobs approach which was the concept that somebody doesn’t know what they want until you show it to them.

I think focus groups are bullshit.

I think you need to build the product, get it in front of somebody and then obtain a continuous feedback loop.

Probably Nothing is an experiment in working on something at the last responsible moment, with an all-star cast of actors & writers.

All pitching in to create a token that is probably nothing.

Until it isn’t.

We plan to wrestle the word “probably nothing” away from the lexicon so that when people say “probably nothing”, the first thing they think about is this token.

Major figures on a daily basis say the words “probably nothing.”

The phrase itself has a tremendous amount of free advertising on a daily basis


The name quickly lived up to its expectations.

The open trade function was called 51 days ago, on November 10th 2021 at. 07:49:51 PM +UTC by a team of six anonymous people, who did not expect the notoriety it quickly received.

After seeing the incredible meme potential I took a 43eth position, and reached out to the team. I gave them a strategy to become a meme currency, which they embraced immediately.

After a couple more calls with the team I moved to negotiate a partnership deal.

After realizing the team was in over their heads, and not able to support the project moving forward, I convinced them to let me take over, and worked out a deal for them to send me all of the credentials for Twitter, the website, telegram etc. as well as send me the 90eth in the marketing wallet.

Pretty sure this is the first time in crypto this has ever happened.

Think about it.

They were anonymous. They could have walked away with all that money, and not batted an eye.

They could’ve easily rugged. But they didn’t.

At the end of the day they’re good dudes who meant well and did the right thing.

So here we are.


Imagine you move into a neighborhood, only to find out the developer has built the entire neighborhood on a toxic dump.

People would be pissed; the vibes would be toxic.

One day you see a message that one of your neighbors found a new plot of land for everybody, convinced the developer to send over all of the deposit money, and he’s going to help move everybody over there and rebuild.

Just imagine how thrilled that community would be? How connected would they be?

Well those are exactly the Probably Nothing community vibes.

Rarely do you see a community who is so supportive, positive, kind, & happy as I have experienced with the Probably Nothing Discord community.

I believe the foundation for how this project came together will continue to support a strong community of like-minded and excited individuals.

If community is the IP, then we have a patent on positivity.

Our Immediate Plans:

Living up to our name and not planning too far ahead, there are definitely a number of things that we can finally reveal.

V1 Contract

There was always some concern about whether or not we would be able to trade on the existing contract.

Clearly we cannot run the current project on the existing contract in perpetuity, since this contract was developed by and can be accessed by the original team.

While we have a good relationship with them, and do not expect them to do anything malicious, we also want to be able to have our own contract, and create a new set of functions that give us maximum flexibility to be creative as we go.

To that end we will be launching v2, and we have already selected an incredible and well-known developer to work on it.

The big question leading up to the V2 launch has been whether or not we can continue to trade on the existing V1 token and contract.

The answer is yes.

Right before launching V2, everyone will be able to do a 1:1 swap with however much PN they are holding at the time.

You can trade on this contract and not worry about losing any tokens when the new contract is launched.

More on this strategy and some risks below.


To launch a v2 we are going to need enough liquidity, so people can trade without a large price impact.

We are also going to need start-up capital to pay engineers, designers, developers, social media geniuses, managers, & icons.

We have come up with a somewhat risky but sound strategy.

The current V1 contract has a 12% tax. Our biggest worry was that we did not have access to the tax wallet.

Even though the previous team has come through on everything that they said they were going to, we were not in touch with all of them, and there could still be risk around somebody just taking the taxes built up in the wallet.

We want to be clear that there is risk in this, but we think based upon the team’s actions the reward is greater at this point; but please manage accordingly.

The team came through and gave us the private key to this wallet. Taxes are sent on a daily basis to the new “probably nothing” wallet which we are in control of.

We have plans to create a Multi-sig wallet during this time with one of the community members that was nominated as a signee.

We plan to allow people to trade on V1, while we are working on and launching V2.

The taxes generated from these trades will be used as our starting capital and liquidity.

In other words we’re going to fund the project with these taxes.

We started out with around 90eth. We just crossed 145eth. Needless to say, our strategy is working.

Taxes will eventually be scaled back for V2, especially to allow trading on centralized exchanges.

Remember part of the taxes come back in the form of reflections.

Meaning just holding probably nothing gets you more probably nothing.

So we have that going for us, which is nice.


On December 9th at 11:24 PM CST, a snapshot was taken of anybody that held more than 100,000,000 tokens.

You can view the full list of people who qualified for the snapshot here:

Each unique wallet within this snapshot will receive the first ever Fungibles Alpha NFT.

A sneak peek of the artwork can be seen here:

Holding this soon-to-be highly sought after NFT will grant you access to a Telegram announcements channel called “ultra alpha”.

I will share before anywhere else, all of my alpha and calls on tokens and NFTs alike in this channel, as well as thoughts, tips and tricks for how to become successful in crypto.

I have no doubt there will be a thriving secondary market for access to this channel.

If you missed the early snapshot, don’t fret. Just remember to always keep at least half a bil (or 500m) PN tokens at any given time.

You never know when the next airdrop will happen; loyalty will be rewarded within the “probably nothing” ecosystem.


Working with one of the top designers in crypto we have come up with an incredible new design, as well as a new website we are working on. Please note this is a layout only.

We have plans for dope ass drip. A store will be launching soon. This won’t be your typical merch.

We’re taking high-quality, designer only, swag as fuck.

Our logo is a nothing symbol that most people recognize, but redone in such a brilliantly bold and exciting way.

We fully believe that people will want to incorporate this into their designs, putting a sweater on a bored ape for instance, and using the PN logo as a flex for well… nothing really.

I mean let’s all face it, the less you act like you care the more it becomes something.

It’s very probably nothing.


The Probably Nothing team has plans to be as decentralized as humanly possible; distributed teams from around the world working towards a greater goal.

Again, this is an experiment.

We know at the beginning it’s impossible to have a successful, high quality project without being centralized around decision making.

Over time more and more of the major decisions will become community driven.

The decentralization process will take time.

For now there are a few people who are pushing the project forward, myself included. Many who are very talented in many aspects of business & technology.

The current team skill sets include design, development, social media, token economics, and leadership.

We also have an incredible amount of industry thought leaders already invested or planning to come in.

I have developed a deep network of some of the most visible people in crypto and many of them believe in my capabilities to get this project off the ground, and get us to a community driven consensus.

You will start to see exactly who these people are in the days to come.

We believe strongly in Balaji’s pseudonymous economy theory and have no plans to dox at the moment, if ever.

Whether the picture is of the actual person or a cat is of no consequence; we believe trust is built through action.

We also believe in the trustless environment that blockchain affords. For instance, multisig on a wallet so there’s no one point of failure when moving around project funds.

Enough actions overtime, along with the right systems in place, and community governance, will allow us to achieve true decentralization.

For now we’re constantly on the lookout for talented individuals.

We have created an interview channel and are currently looking for a number of people who want to contribute to the project moving forward.

You can fill out a simple application by joining the interview channel here:


Where do we go from here baby?— Jamiroquai

I mean, it would be foolish to think there is zero intuition on what this can become, even if it is a token about probably nothing.

Without providing too much detail because we are really trying to live up to our core value of working on something at the last responsible moment; I’ll leave you with this.

I believe probably nothing can become a powerful meme currency.

Like Seinfeld, we will write as we go. By not promising too much, we cannot disappoint.

What we can promise is…

  • Consistent communication often
  • High integrity
  • Innovation that can quickly adjust with market conditions
  • Creativity thru good design
  • Gamification as an antithesis to boredom

And all of this while choosing the right people to help get us there while we head toward becoming as decentralized as possible.

After all this really is probably nothing…

To stay in the know, please follow the official Probably Nothing Twitter account.

Probably Nothing
Probably Nothing

Written by Probably Nothing

Probably Nothing ($PRBLY) is in stealth mode building a platform for NFT collectors. Learn more:

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